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I'm Christine!
I'm a portrait photographer, based in Melbourne, Australia. I love serving families with teens and tweens (13-19 years old) because I know how life gets busy during these years.  We just don't have as many photos of our kids from this stage of life. I can help! Have a look around the blog and meet some of the outstanding teens I have worked with in Australia and the USA.  

An Afternoon With Japanese Youth

In the western regions of Tokyo, almost an hour’s train ride from the organised chaos of the Shibuya Scramble is the neighbourhood of Higashimurayama. Life moves at a bit slower pace, but it’s still urban enough that the train lines extend this far west. I emerged from the station to meet my hosts, absorbed in […]


teens at formal dancing with one in center breakdancing

The 2022 Roundup

The year was my most eventful and diverse year of shooting teenagers since arriving in Australia in 2019. As we were finally able to travel outside the country, I shot dozens of teens across three continents. Closer to home in Melbourne I had the honour of photographing many talented teens here in Australia. In no […]


Photo Books – My Favourite Product to Create for You!

Remember the days of photo albums? One of my favourite photos from my childhood is this one with my sister. Every time we visited our grandmother in San Francisco, we would return to this spot at the top of Lombard Street throughout our childhood. (circa 1989) If you were a child of the 80s like […]


Part I: What is an Environmental Teen Portrait?

Many people look at me quizzically when I say that I’m a portrait photographer who specialises in teen portraits. Why not wedding, family, maternity or kids? Well, in short, it’s because there are plenty of photographers that shoot that genre and not enough who exclusively focus on the teen years. For the past 11 years, […]


An Afternoon in a Village Outside Chiang Mai, Thailand

“Faith, Family, Fellowship” **An shorter version of this post is featured in Baptist Mission Australia’s online magazine which can be seen here on pages 11-14.** I arrived in Chiang Mai on a hot, humid summer day in August. Muana, an inter-cultural worker based in Northern Thailand, picked me up from the airport in his silver […]


Backyard photo shoot for high school teen graduate in Thailand

“Graduating and Growing Up With Diversity” On my recent trip to Thailand I had the opportunity to photograph Zoe, a Class of 2022 high school graduate from the Chiang Mai International School. Her parents are originally from India, but she has spent most of her life living in Thailand. Her experience is best described as […]


Teen Boy 16th Birthday in Yosemite

“On Top of the World“ All birthdays are special, but the sixteenth feels particularly different to me. At this age, I feel like the child is definitely gone. The awkward early teen years are passing. The adult version of your child is emerging. Conversations change, they become a little more serious, sometimes a little more […]


Teen girl between bookshelves in bookstore

Neighbourhood bookstore photoshoot with Afghan teen

“From Kabul to California” Meet Mariam. She is originally from Afghanistan but now resides in the US. She is inspiring, resilient and extremely hard-working. In August 2021 the Taliban rolled into Kabul to take back control of the country. While the US and other countries withdrew, Mariam and thousands of other high-risk Afghans knew their […]


Teen girls high school graduate looks through bars of school gate on a portrait photoshoot with her cross country racing bibs strewn across the gate.

High school campus photo shoot in Silicon Valley

“Looking Back. Looking Forward.“ In July, I traded the dreary, wet Melbourne winter for a few weeks in California to visit family and friends. While there, I spent time with several teens and high school graduates. I had the honour of doing some photoshoots in some simple but meaningful places for these teens. We worked […]