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I'm Christine!
I'm a portrait photographer, based in Melbourne, Australia. I love serving families with teens and tweens (13-19 years old) because I know how life gets busy during these years.  We just don't have as many photos of our kids from this stage of life. I can help! Have a look around the blog and meet some of the outstanding teens I have worked with in Australia and the USA.  

Teen Graduation Photoshoot In Yosemite

Family, friends, and photography brought be back to the US during its summer months. I had a blast photographing Class of 2024 graduates and a couple from the upcoming Class of 2025. This group of teens are extra special because I’ve been photographing many for over ten years! So to do their senior portraits and […]


The Power of Printing Your Photos

What printing images of our teens remind us and tells them about themselves. Printing images of our teens is a dying art. It’s something I think we need to fight to bring back into our busy lives. The struggle is worth it.  I believe the simple act of hanging photos of your teens can improve […]


Our Teens: Then and Now (US edition)

One of the best things about being a teen portrait photographer is getting to seeing the changes and growth of your kids across many years. It’s something special to work with teens across the years,  getting to know them and hear first hand how they have matured, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It’s also an amazing […]


Why Book a Photoshoot for Your Teen or Tween?

You have a teen, or two, or three! and maybe you’ve never considering booking a photoshoot specifically to celebrate your emerging young adult. “Is this even a thing people do?” you may be thinking.  My answer is, yes! And if you don’t think this is something for you or your teen, let me share with […]



Eden’s Graduation Photoshoot at the Diamonds

When I started playing softball again in 2022, I met some pretty fun women who love the sport so much that no matter rain or shine, cold or hot, even all that weather on the same day (that’s just Melbourne being Melbourne), they’d make the trek to the diamonds at the Waverley Women’s Sports Complex […]



The Musically Talented Teens of the Melbourne Youth Orchestras

This 2023 school year brought new opportunities to photograph more teens and young people in the Melbourne area. One organisation I thoroughly enjoyed working with was the Melbourne Youth Orchestra.  The MYO provides performance opportunities for over 580 young musicians in the greater Melbourne area across various ensembles, ages, and ability levels. Musicians range from […]


Teen Melbourne girl looks through a green coloured circular web structure at a playground.

A Teen’s Reflections on Moving From Dubai to Melbourne

As a fairly recent transplant to Australia myself, I love meeting teens who have moved from other countries because their parents believed they would have more opportunities or a better future here. Moving during the teen years, let alone to another country, develops a certain type of adaptability that living in the same hometown your […]


teen boy seated arm on propped knee looking into distance

An American Teen’s Photoshoot in Melbourne

This guy wins the prize for traveling the farthest for a photo shoot. Not only did he travel over from the US, but he came from the farthest corner of that country – all the way from Florida! I’ve been photographing Carter long before he was a teenager, since he was about six years old. […]


An Afternoon With Japanese Youth

In the western regions of Tokyo, almost an hour’s train ride from the organised chaos of the Shibuya Scramble is the neighbourhood of Higashimurayama. Life moves at a bit slower pace, but it’s still urban enough that the train lines extend this far west. I emerged from the station to meet my hosts, absorbed in […]


teens at formal dancing with one in center breakdancing

The 2022 Roundup

The year was my most eventful and diverse year of shooting teenagers since arriving in Australia in 2019. As we were finally able to travel outside the country, I shot dozens of teens across three continents. Closer to home in Melbourne I had the honour of photographing many talented teens here in Australia. In no […]